Sunday, September 9, 2012

Two More for the Roll

As we are exploring the world of blogging, we were asked to find two blogs that were of interest to us.  I have chosen to scientific blogs, as I am going to be a science teacher.
The first blog I would you to check out is called Bad Astronomy by Discover Magizine.  This blog interested me becuase one of the ascepts of the degree is space science.  Phil Plait is the creator of this blog.  He is an author, lecturer, and an astronomer.  He worked on the Hubble Telescope for a decade and then six more years working on astronomy education.  After those 16 years, he set out to be a write.  He has written over "12 bazillion blog articles" and his most recent has an amazing picture.  The newest entry is titled, A New Moon from a new moon, is a picture of a new moon after sunset over the Pacific Ocean from the International Space Station.  The acutal article is short but is about when he is frustrated with anything he find this picture in his bookmarks and it makes everything better.

The second blog I added to by blog roll, or as I call it Penguin's Buddies, is titled, the Volcanism BlogBy the title, you can come to the conclusion that the blog will be about volcanoes.  I throughly enjoy studying them.  My first dream job was to be a volcanologist, however, there are not many volcanoes around the northwest part of Pennsylvania.  This blog gives updates on new activity around the world and also updates ongoing activity on active volcnaoes around the world.  There is a volocano in Cleveland, Alaska that the alert level was raised due to the growth of the lava dome.  Also Mount Enta in Italy has erupted for the 23rd time since January 2011.  They also provide a map that shows ongoing and new acticity around the globe.
I hope these blogs give you some insight into my interests. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

My Beliefs about Technology and Learning

          Technology and learning go hand in hand these days.  It seems like all schools, whether elementary or college level, technology had some form of involement in the classroom.  Some people might not like the technological advances in the classroom, however, I believe that as technology increases and advances there are many applications for it.  Technology has enhanced my education greatly over the years.  Technology makes reaching out to resources easier, especially when they are not accessible in person.  Technology today allows students to read journals from around the world when they can't physically handle the material.  Technology allows students to reach out to the far reaches of the globe for resources and communication porposes.  Example of this, is when classes can communicate with other students across the world using a web camera.  Technology in the classroom can allow students to view important events, such as the shuttle launch this past summer, or a presidental address.  I totally believe that technology is here to stay and students and teachers need to embrace, instead of running away from it and use it in their classrooms.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

What an Honor!!!!

Sunday September 2, 2012

              Today, I recieved a very special letter in the mail.  It was from Edinboro Univeristy congradulating me for being chosen to join The National Society of Leadership and Success, Sigma Alpha Pi!! 
              I am excitied and very thankful for this honor and I plan to join this society.